Rules of Syntax and Exercise-04
18. বিভিন্ন Person-এর Noun ও Pronoun একত্রে Subject গঠন করলে প্রথমে Second Person, তারপরে Third Person এবং সর্বশেষে First Person বসে।
You, Rajan (or he) and I have been rewarded.
I, Rajan and you are all guilty.
19.বিভিন্ন Person-এর Subject যদি and দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়, তবে তাহাদের পরিবর্তে যে Pronoun বসে, তা First Person হবে যদি উহাদের মধ্যে একটিও First Person থাকে এবং Pronoun-টি Second Person হবে যদি উহাদের মধ্যে একটিও Second Person থাকে এবং কোন First Person না থাকে।
Rajan and I did our works.
You and I did our duties.
You and Leela did your lessons.
You, Leela and I did our duties.
20. Complex Sentence-এ Relative Pronoun-এর number, gender and person উহার antecedent বা পূর্বপদকে অনুসরন করবে।
(Relative Pronoun যে Noun বা Pronoun-এর পরিবর্তে ব্যবহৃত হয়, ঐ Noun বা Pronoun-ই উক্ত Relative Pronoun-টির Antecedent বা পূর্বপদ।)
I who am your leader command you.
This is the lady who has not lost her ring.
Those who are guilty shall be punished.
He is one of the best boys that were seen there.
It is useless to me who have left the world.
I am the man who helps you.
You are the person who helps me.
I am the man who has lost his pen.
21. “To be” verb-এর পূর্বে ও পরে Subject ও Complement-এর একই case হবে।
Whom do you take me to be?
Who do men say that I am?
It is I.
NOTE: কিন্তু কেউ কেউ এভাবেও লাখেন:
‘It’s I. This is he. That’s she.
Usage. a trifle shamefacedly, admits the object form to such expressions:
It’s me . This is him. That’s her. —Good English by G. H. Vallins.
22. The anticipatory বা Introductory ‘It’ singular ও plural উভয় ক্ষেত্রেই masculine, feminine বা neuter noun-এর পরিবর্তে ব্যবহৃত হয়, কিন্তু উহার পরে ‘To be’ verb-টির singular form হবে।
It was I (or you, or he or she, or they) that did it.
It was these books that I wanted.
Fill up the blanks:—
1. This is the boy who — done it.
2. These are the boys who — done it.
3. Give me some mangoes that — sweet to the taste.
4. Who is the boy that — done it?
5. Who are the boys that — done it?
6. Those who — passed will be readily admitted.
7. You are the man who — guilt.
8. I am the man who — done it.
9. You are the man who — to suffer for it.
10. I who your leader — you this order.
11. Each of these houses — a garden of — own.
12.It is I who — younger than you.
13. It is they who — done this.
14. Who do you think that I —?
15. It— I who—guilty.
16. It— you who — guilty.
17. It — he who —guilty.
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